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What is the most devastating storm in history?

Hurricane Katrina — Katrina is by far the costliest and most devastating storm in the history of the United States. Resulting in 1,833 deaths and an unprecedented $160 billion in damage. What is a Category 7 storm?

What is the deadliest type of disaster?

Floods were the deadliest type of disaster accounting for 43.5% of deaths, followed by extreme temperatures at 25% (mainly due to heat waves in Europe) and storms at 21.5%. Storms affected the highest number of people, accounting for 35% of the total affected, followed by floods with 33% and droughts with 31%.

Which hurricanes have a high death toll?

Other hurricanes with high death tolls, like Sandy in 2012, Katrina in 2005, and Camille in 1969, all had large numbers of deaths from storm surge. Historically about half of the direct deaths in landfalling tropical cyclones in the United States are from storm surge.

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